One of our own, the much adored Karina of Gluten-Free Goddess, just found out that she isn't just a gluten-free goddess, she is in fact a veritable Food Allergy Goddess. She recently discovered that she has a whole wagonload of other food allergies.
To thank Karina, who has given so much to so many of us, and in honor of all people with multiple food allergies and intolerances, I am announcing Cooking for Karina, a food blogging event. Here's how it works:
- Create and post an original recipe (or adaptation of someone else's recipe, with appropriate credit given) that is free of the following ingredients: Cow's milk, cheese, whey, casein, goat's milk, eggs (including whites and yolks), chicken, turkey, gluten (that includes wheat, barley, rye, spelt, kamut - and oats, to play on the safe side), peanuts, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, soybeans, lemon, avocado, pineapple, papaya, green beans and kidney beans. Check your ingredients to make sure they don't contain derivatives of these ingredients- For example, almond oil or tofu. These aren't the only foods that people can be allergic to, but they are the foods Karina can no longer eat so by sticking to this list all our recipes will be ones she can use.
- E-mail me at glutenfreebay@ gmail.com (remove the space) with your name or online handle, the name and URL of your blog, and the URL of your post by Tuesday, July 10. Please write "Cooking for Karina" in the subject line. Photographs in posts are encouraged. All bloggers are welcome to participate, not just food bloggers! Food blogs that do not usually focus on food allergies are highly encouraged to join in and help us raise awareness of food allergies and intolerances.
- After receiving all of the entries, I will write them up into one grand summary with links to each of your individual recipe posts, and some photos, too.
Please help me spread the word!
What an absolutely lovely idea!
I'll get my thinking hat on for a new recipe :-)
You can count me in! I'll write about it on Lucullian. Such a worthy cause cannot be ignored!
i'll do my best to come up with something in time :D
What a lovely idea. I will start thinking about something wonderful that doesn't have any of those ingredients.
GF By the Bay! Wow.
I am sitting in my bed sipping my morning yerba mate and reading this post of yours.
You have made me cry!
Thank you for your kindness, creativity and [big] heart. You are the sweetest.
Big love,
This is a wonderful idea and I will be sure to contribute. I hope I can be of use, both in providing delicious recipes and in seeing this restriction as an opportunity to express some creativity.
Aiiiiii ... I do so love the kindness and generosity of this community!
great idea ms bay! and this is right in my neck of the allergic woods.
will send something asap!
Hello, my name is Karen Moirgan and I just wanted to let you know how much I have appreciated your site and to let you know that I have added you to my links list. I have a gluten free dessert blog. Ckeck it out!
Kindest Regards,
Karen Morgan
I love it! I will start working on a recipe asap! What a kind gesture!
This is a lovely gesture. I'm not able to participate but I wish all the luck for the event.
Hi again,
I just wanted to add my endorsement to this sentence from your post:
limiting one's ingredient choices can inspire great discoveries in the kitchen
I'm in, just give me a little time to get organised.
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